How to Handle a Counter Offer

16 November 2022 Virginia Brookes

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​You've been through the interview process and you finally got the call you've been waiting for - they want to offer you the job. But before you can start celebrating, they throw a curveball - they make a counteroffer. Now what?

Should You Accept the Counter Offer?

Before you even consider accepting a counteroffer, ask yourself why you were looking to leave in the first place. If it was because of salary, then sure, a counteroffer might be worth considering. But if it was because of factors like poor company culture or a toxic work environment, then a counteroffer should be viewed as nothing more than an attempt to placate you and keep you from leaving.

In most cases, it's best to politely decline a counteroffer and move on with your life. The grass is almost always greener on the other side, and chances are good that you'll be much happier in your new position than you would be if you stayed put.

How to Decline a Counter Offer

If you've decided that declining a counteroffer is the right decision for you, there's no need to burn any bridges. Just be honest about your reasons for leaving and express your gratitude for the opportunity. For example, you might say something like this:

"Thank you for the counteroffer, but I've decided to accept another position that I think will be better suited to my long-term career goals. I appreciate everything that this company has done for me, and I'm truly grateful for the opportunity to have worked here."

Receiving a counteroffer can be confusing and stressful, but it's important to remember that you should only accept one if it's truly in your best interest. In most cases, it's best to politely decline the offer and move on with your life. The grass is almost always greener on the other side!